Rabu, 27 Juli 2011

yeast infection remedies for women - my success story

Hello, Here  Karen Siegler, I'm 45 and have battled with severe Yeast Infection for the last nine years. Here is how I cured my three month long lasting painful and uncomfortable experience of my battle against Yeast  infection in just a magical 17 hours when I used a natural method. 

If you wanted to find out some product that could naturally cure your problem with yeast infection, I feel happy that you found my advice as at least you will not have to struggle hard as I did. My experience will not just shock you, but it would help you save a lot of your time & money.

I resorted to use the Monistat, though I usually don’t prefer artificial medications. I later ceased its use as the unbearable burning sensation was horrible. Not just me, you can find this side effect to be reported online by many others too. Later I took the tips from online after reading the seriousness of the symptoms of yeast infection. I used the yogurt. Though it helped a little with reducing burning sensation, it was not much effective as the problem had grown worse. It really took a long time for me to feel normal again.

I've tried numerous natural treatments too.  None of those worked either.  When I came accross Click here I decided to try it.

To end my long running sad story, I gave a try with the solution that a friend of mine who used it and and successfully cured here yeast infection.

Though it took a longer time than others, it was a very easy to use method that I followed and felt a little too relieved by the end of a couple of hours and on the next day, it was gone for real. It is also all natural with NO DRUGS and real safe and easy to do. The next day I dint even find any symptom remaining out there. It was really unbelievable and seemed magical.

I would recommend you to take the confidence to give it a try with this system as I and my friend did. The only regret you would have after using is that you might have used it earlier before all sufferings and pain.

Personally, this is the best for its work and really cost effective than most other painful means available in the market.

You'll no longer have to worry about passing yeast infections back and forth with your partner, because once you address the root cause you'll gain a natural resistant and you'll be free of yeast infections forever.  click here if you intersted with my  yeast infection remedies for women naturally

home remedies for yeast infections in women

Home remedy for yeast infection in women is always termed as the best because there are no side effects when you use the remedies. The home yeast infection remedies for  have always been used to treat and cure the annoying yeast monster.

Here are some simple things that you can do. These home remedies for yeast infection in women will give you the relief that you have been searching for.

Firstly, you must know how a yeast infection occurs. A yeast infection is a condition that is caused by the one celled fungus called candida albicans or monilia. It is found in the body naturally and it is only when there is an overgrowth that the yeast causes the infection. Women will mostly suffer from vaginal candidiasis while men will mostly suffer from penile yeast infections. The most popular home remedies for yeast infections are for women and this is mainly because they cure vaginal yeast infections.

You can start by eating yogurt each day. This method have been proven to treat vaginal infections very effectively. This is because, yogurt contains live cultures that are not only good for diarrhea problems but are also excellent for vaginal infections. 

Another useful food to eat is the Lactobacillus acidophilus suppositories. They are very useful in combating infections quickly.

There are also women who douche their vagina with boric acid, or garlic oil.However, doing this can cause some discomfort because you will feel some burning sensation, similar to douching with garlic oil.

When you suspect to have a yeast infection, you need home remedies for yeast infection. But, before you search for a cure, you need to have observed the signs that will give you a hint whether you have the infection or not. In woman, vaginal candidiasis will present itself with several signs and they include the followin.

There will be severe itching in and around the vagina, there will also be a whitish discharge which resembles cottage cheese. There will also be episodes of pain during sexual intercourse and while urinating. Before you find home remedies for yeast infection, you need to be certain of the condition you have. Therefore it will be wise to go to a health professional before you self medicate.

systemic yeast infection symptoms in women

Systemic yeast infection symptoms in women can be very difficult to identify simply because they can be different for each person and even change as time goes by. The symptoms for other diseases may have some of the symptoms that are true for systemic yeast infection which can make it difficult to diagnose by your health professional. It is imperative for this reason that you become aware of your symptoms before you need to know what the systemic yeast infection symptoms are.

Often times a Systemic Yeast Infection in Women can have minor symptoms, and because of this they are dismissed as nothing to concerned about. However, once the yeast enters the bloodstream, the Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms rapidly become very damaging and even life threatening. Your immune system ordinarily contains a healthy amount of yeast in small amounts, and this yeast is helpful to the body instead of causing problems.

Symptoms can vary from each individual, but here a few of the most common ones:

1. A regular feeling of tiredness and general malaise.

Someone who is going through a Systemic Yeast Infection will be tired all the time, has dizzy spells, suffers from headaches, muscle aches, and could even begin to experience certain sensory disturbances.

2. Unusual or sudden sensitivity to chemicals or new food allergies.

They can develop certain sensitivities to food or other things that haven't bothered them in the past.

3. Gastrointestinal tract disturbances.

Often times Symptoms may be the cause of GI irregularities. Also, food allergies, flatulence, (IBD) inflammatory bowel disease, rectal itching, constipation, and diarrhea which may seem to be the oncoming GI issues may really be the Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms.

You can even have a thrush infection to occur, which is a Yeast Infection that develops in the mouth or throat.

4. Genital problems or urinary tract problems.

Some others will have a seemingly continuous bout with Vaginal Yeast Infections, while the fact is they actually are dealing with Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms, and either don't realize it or never have it treated properly.

5. Sudden formation of skin rashes or hives.

You could even be having a case of hives, and not have a clue where they came from.

6. Suddenly feeling irritable or mildly depressed.

Some symptoms such as lowered attention span, memory loss, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating or focusing, being in a "fog" or mental confusion that may also be classified as symptoms.

7. Problems with the autoimmune system.

It is possible that a person with an autoimmune disorder to find that the symptoms of their condition have gotten worse.

The first signs of an infection can be very severe and systemic yeast infection symptoms in women are much more complicated than you may have experienced earlier. Be aware that one person may have the infection and then it is passed on to another simply by engaging in unprotected sex.

You may be showing one of the symptoms if you become aware that you seem to have a constant stomach upset or you are suffering a lot of intestinal gas for no obvious reason. You would be advised to seek out your health therapist and get a definite diagnosis.

If you or someone you know have ever had the misfortune of suffering the consequences of a yeast infection then you will appreciate the information in Systemic Yeast Infection Symptoms. I am a former yeast sufferer and understand the results of allowing this problem to run rampant.

If you think you might be suffering from any of the above symptoms and would like to find the best method to yeast infection remedies for women click here

what causes yeast infections in women

What causes yeast infections in women is the most common questions that people suffering from the disease always ask this is due to the pain and discomfort.

Did you know that three out of four women throughout the world will experience a yeast infection in their lifetime? That's a pretty significant number, and because of that, yeast infections are classified as "common".But make no mistake - as common as they might be, they can make your life a temporary uncomfortable nightmare!

What causes yeast infection in women? The following are some of the causes

1. Sanitary conditions
2. Diabetes
3. Poor immune system
4. High sugar intake
5. Poor diet

and some lesser known causes. 


Artificial and natural hormones can affect yeast.  Oral contraceptives are a primary cause of vaginal yeast infections in women in their 20‚Äôs and early 30‚Äôs.  Women during their period may find temporary reprieve from a yeast infection as yeast does not like the pH of menstrual blood; don‚Äôt be fooled however, once the period ceases to be, some women on oral contraceptives are prone to monthly yeast infections.  Hormonal replacement therapy (HRT) is another cause to be aware of: hormonal fluctuations can and will affect yeast, as well as cortisone-related medications such as prednisone‚Äîa steroid.


Damage to the vaginal area can lead to a yeast infection and it is usually attributed to too much friction during sex without enough lubrication.  Be aware of this because there are products like K-Y jelly available to prevent this.


It is possible to have a yeast infection and get pregnant.  The overgrowth of Candida albicans in the vagina will not kill sperm; so if you are ovulating and have unprotected sex you may get pregnant.  Pregnant women are more apt to get yeast infections and some say this is due to a woman‚Äôs immune system being suppressed at this time in order to protect the developing fetus. If this didn‚Äôt occur during pregnancy, it is possible your body would see the fetus as a ‚Äòforeign body‚Äô which would need to be attacked and eliminated.  When the immune system is suppressed, Candida albicans may take advantage of the situation and grow out of control.  This may manifest into a vaginal yeast infection.  If you are prone to developing yeast infections when you are not pregnant then you may be a good candidate to develop them when pregnant.

Sexual transmission

Contrary to some opinions, not unlike STD‚Äôs (sexually transmitted diseases) Candida can be transmitted from partner to partner.  Men who have yeast infections may not show symptoms so it is possible to unknowingly reinfect a woman who has had recent treatment for a yeast infection.  Since the infection can keep getting passed back and forth (from man to woman, woman to man, woman to woman), both partners should complete treatment before resuming sexual activity.

Weakened immune system

Immune systems weakened by HIV, thyroid disease, autoimmune diseases and the like are at risk for chronic vaginal yeast infections.  Taking immune system suppressing drugs (as people who have had transplanted organs do) can also be at risk for a yeast infection.

Since multiple factors are the causes of yeast infection in women, it makes it so much easy for yeast to keep recurring year in year out.

Natural yeast infection remedies for women help to kill yeast symptoms and will also kill the further growth of more infection. Once you get into a routine of applying the natural methods you will be free from any infection for the rest of your life.